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QuickBooks – import & export VAT post Brexit

Overview From 1st January 2021 (post Brexit) new rules apply for accounting for import and export VAT. This has made recording imports and exports on QuickBooks quite a lot harder. This note explains some of the new rules and how to record import and export transactions in QuickBooks. You can see a similar note for […]

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Directors Working in the UK

Overview The aim of this note is to provide an overview of some of the rules that came into effect from 1 January 2021 . The new rules place significant restrictions on the ability of EU directors of UK companies to perform directorial duties in the UK. In reading this note it is important to understand that […]

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Working in the UK – Points Based Immigration System

Overview – Post Brexit Working in the UK A new immigration system was introduced on 1 January 2021. This applies to people that want to work in the UK. It will apply if they come to the UK from either Europe or outside of Europe. So, for the first time in many years EU citizens […]

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New VAT rules for overseas sellers

Overview The aim of this note is to explain some of the new VAT rules that overseas sellers will need to follow after Brexit. In this context an overseas seller is a business that is established outside of the UK and doesn’t have an establishment within the UK.  The changes are reasonably complex because there are […]

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Taxation of offshore funds

Overview The aim of the offshore funds rules is to make sure that income earned by the fund is taxed as income, ideally in the year the income is earned. If it wasn’t for these rules the investor would not pay tax on income retained or reinvested by the fund but would instead pay capital […]

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Settled & Pre-Settled Status

Overview Europeans that already live in the UK can continue to live and work in the UK after 1 January 2021. However, they will need to apply for ‘Settled Status’ or ‘Pre-Settled Status’ by 30 June 2021. Lived in the UK for more than 5 years – apply for ‘Settled Status’ EU citizens who have lived […]

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